Thursday, November 9, 2017

Regarding frustration . . .

The brain is observing a lack of progress when frustration rears its sensations. Timely intervention has passed without action and now the heaviness of the fullness of dis-ease weights with purpose on the nervous system. When sensations become overwhelming, know by experience that the cause is a 'lack of attention' and the solution is action of catching up to alleviate the stress of complacency. Switch to your most successful action practices. Exercise, clean the room you avoid, change your hair style, whatever perks your attitude of yourself will be the key to action. For it is action that is the nemesis of frustration. Do not tackle the root of the frustration first, but practice on a known release, then the energy needed to turn frustration, by solution will be available. Rewarding the mind by problem solving is just an extension of cleaning the room or changing the hairstyle, by swinging the pendulum the basic physics of action and reaction will once again allow the body and mind to both gain action forward together.

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