Sunday, October 22, 2017


Congloberiegook compensations is a description of a troubled mind. To stand with the mind just above the drowning zone is where many reside in this time of multi-tasking of physical presence while simultaneously mentally exercising with any form of light box (phone, tablet, computer) engagement. People run on a false sense of accomplishment that gaining the ability to do it all and all at once is to be obtained and maintained. To query what they did yesterday or three days ago brings a look of confusion, for gains and losses are never assessed by intellectual pursuit.

Social media is not designed to bring people face to face. It is a comment, like or reply era where individuals change their views "in mass" and by doing so choose not to be bothered by individual thinking.  Is this driving many to a new low of laziness, absolutely not. By finding themselves busy by checking that their correctness falls in line with the surge of their group they redefine passive aggression by becoming aligned with a single note of symphonic staccato (as in the works of Edgar Varèse).

To reel at such control is not natural, for many find security with mind control, but to seek space and unglue devices is the raising of the electronic veil long enough to encourage a view of self. One need not resign from groups of choice, however disengaging long enough to find a personal comment will not only bring security by voice, but also encourage other individual reactions.