Sunday, May 29, 2016

Is God in a Space Continuum?

Is God in a Space Continuum?

        To believe that all things great were created by the will of a spirit, disallows understanding the power of time and the intensity of space. The idea of a God or Gods is only a discussion of the last 10,000 years. The space of expanding Universes and the time of their creations defies understanding by comparison. Allow those that study the space beyond this planet the same support given to those that strive to cure disease or create more powerful weaponry as the discoveries found will advance more quickly the answers for mankind to stabilize on planet earth.
        A soul connection is inherent in every man. This individual connection may be called an "Earthly God", but it is not a directive from an all powerful source. This connection allows the wisdom of ages and a powerful force, that we will call Universal Love to form a bridge from "The Universe of Light" to each human on earth. The thinking process of the brain that goes beyond physical survival is what we call the mind. This is the area of brain energy that connects to the energy of the soul. It is where knowledge translates into wisdom and where soul connection radiates.
        When early man learned that the striking of a certain rock created a spark that ignited fire, he did not understand friction. He related the spark to the heavens, where great flashes of lightening he assumed came from an all powerful god reigning from star power. Stories in primitive terms were told around these circles of light that provided safety from night animals and warmth. The leaders of these human circles would provide the most elaborate of stories to maintain domination over weaker members. Earliest societies required sacrifices of the living to appease the Gods. Hierarchy developed as the earliest forms night sky. How different is this from the current religions that worship not what is, but what has been followed for only a couple of thousand years?

        Many wise men have recorded much by way of cognitive thinking. There have also been certain chosen ones that have received communication by way of celestial communication. This communication comes from souls that hold residence in the Universe of Light. The best description may be that of demi-gods as they do not have a form, but encompass vast amounts of wisdom attained from billions of years of observation. This observation began with the integration of dark matter and that of the crystalline light. At the time of the beginning, the pulsing growth from the center of the light through evolution developed a capacity to record and retain the amazing birth created by the joining of density and purity. 

Friday, May 20, 2016


The greatest of all gifts is what we pass along to others by the example of how we spend our days. A wise man never names himself, but is distinguished by the recognition of others.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mind over Brain
            To look for answers on a personal level one must first engage a heartfelt relationship with the brain. All things stored there from early childhood to present day are accessible as in filing drawers. Many are locked by either the lightness of their memory or by the distant relevance to current times, but they are there.
            Finding the thread that decodes the access, is a simple process. For these implants of activity or learning are always open to the manipulation of the mindful part of the thinking process.
            Facts such as 1+1=2, the birth dates of friends or family or the titles of favorite books or movies are cataloged information. The image of a loving friend, the experience that titillated emotional response or the smells or sounds of  a favorite memory are all stored in what may be called cushioned memory cells. These become bridges to mindful thinking. For it is the idea or project that needs intimate thinking that pulls on the feelings of these memories.
            To set up thinking patterns for mindful thought the calculated areas of the brain must be vacated. It is not the center for logic that always comes up with a logical thought out opinion. As opinion of a personal directive needs the avoidance of others plans as the pattern as the connectivity into the paradise of the mind brings a clarity that  is void of calculated thinking. To define the love that children have of their parents ventures past the world of innocence and into the world beyond logical analysis. This is the area of the brain where mindful consideration blossoms. When one speaks of reaching the connection to soul they have found their nirvana center. Do not assume that this state of connection holds only the nectar of thoughts, for it of itself has no storage system. This nirvana center is a magical electrical field that accepts only what is brought in from the cushioned or logical memory cells. Yes, this area accepts all input, but these are thoughts of choice as the quieted mind will choose as a recipe the necessary ingredients. This process burns more brain calories than any other brain sector when used for developing personal values that create the unique pearls of wisdom from your own higher thought.
            The only instruction to stepping into a mindful thinking process is to set up your own platform for communication. For those with visual prominence, a visual that offers a restive familiarity may be used time and time again. One that has aural peace may find sounds whether musical or those of nature to lead to the gate of their nirvana. Do not eliminate any state that you may find of greater assistance as this is unique to your own sensitivities (water immersion, the touch of smooth wood, smell of incense or a favorite essential oil, taste of a tea or herb emulsion). If you have the luxury of a massage therapist use  that time of focused touch to open your gate. The possibilities of obtaining your nirvana are as vast as the differences of individuality. Once your connection is found it is easily found again and again.

Many essays in my book will bring your own unique understanding to not only know yourself, but also understand the actions of others. My greatest discovery has been to listen to the amazingly different views of readers, as they have found life lessons for themselves in "A View".