Sunday, May 29, 2016

Is God in a Space Continuum?

Is God in a Space Continuum?

        To believe that all things great were created by the will of a spirit, disallows understanding the power of time and the intensity of space. The idea of a God or Gods is only a discussion of the last 10,000 years. The space of expanding Universes and the time of their creations defies understanding by comparison. Allow those that study the space beyond this planet the same support given to those that strive to cure disease or create more powerful weaponry as the discoveries found will advance more quickly the answers for mankind to stabilize on planet earth.
        A soul connection is inherent in every man. This individual connection may be called an "Earthly God", but it is not a directive from an all powerful source. This connection allows the wisdom of ages and a powerful force, that we will call Universal Love to form a bridge from "The Universe of Light" to each human on earth. The thinking process of the brain that goes beyond physical survival is what we call the mind. This is the area of brain energy that connects to the energy of the soul. It is where knowledge translates into wisdom and where soul connection radiates.
        When early man learned that the striking of a certain rock created a spark that ignited fire, he did not understand friction. He related the spark to the heavens, where great flashes of lightening he assumed came from an all powerful god reigning from star power. Stories in primitive terms were told around these circles of light that provided safety from night animals and warmth. The leaders of these human circles would provide the most elaborate of stories to maintain domination over weaker members. Earliest societies required sacrifices of the living to appease the Gods. Hierarchy developed as the earliest forms night sky. How different is this from the current religions that worship not what is, but what has been followed for only a couple of thousand years?

        Many wise men have recorded much by way of cognitive thinking. There have also been certain chosen ones that have received communication by way of celestial communication. This communication comes from souls that hold residence in the Universe of Light. The best description may be that of demi-gods as they do not have a form, but encompass vast amounts of wisdom attained from billions of years of observation. This observation began with the integration of dark matter and that of the crystalline light. At the time of the beginning, the pulsing growth from the center of the light through evolution developed a capacity to record and retain the amazing birth created by the joining of density and purity. 

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